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Подавайте заявление за Електронно разрешително за пътуване (еТА)


Please refer to eTA registration and follow online processes. These candidates are eligible for eTA (by mail) in the mailbox. лко минути. Please note, it will be carried out on the same day дни, в случай, че вие бъдете помолени да изпртите придружаващи документи. Now it's time for the eTA to be reserved in Canada.

The service has added value for our clients, it is a complete travel package for people who do not feel safe or need help with new technologies to complete their online forms

Customer Services Center All Rights Reserved ©

Disclaimer: We offer a private consulting service, which aims to help individuals and companies complete the travel authorization applications required for short-term stays. The fee includes the assistance of an expert (service fee) and the government fee.

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