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Richiedete un’autorizzazione di viaggi elettronica (eTA)


eTA 신청은 간단한 온라인 수속입니다. 대부분의 신청자가 몇 분 이내에 eTA 승인을 받습니다(이메일로). 그러나 증빙 서류를 제출해야 할 경우에는 며칠이 걸릴 수도 있습니다. 따라서 캐나다행 항공편을 예약하기 전에 eTA를 받는 것이 최선입니다.

العربية   Български   繁體中文   Deutsch    English    Spanish    Français    Ελληνικά    Italian   日本語   한국어 Magyarul   Nederlands   Polski   Português   Português(Brasil)   Română

Processing eTA is a secure site where you can start the process of your Consulting step by step. We guarantee that the data collected on this site will be used exclusively in the process of your request, as well as for the management of your travel process.

Travel Authorization (CAN) - Canada-App

Disclaimer: Consulting services costs DO NOT include any government application, medical examination, filing or biometric fees. This website does not provide legal advice and we are not a law firm. None of our customer service representatives are attorneys and they do not provide legal advice. You can apply yourself directly on the official site.

Canada App Services All rights reserved ©

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